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Bands for Brains Live!
Bands for Brains Live!
May 22, 2022, 2:00 PM
Union Collective,
1700 W 41st St, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA
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Come to our fundraiser concert and listen to some great music on May 22nd, for a great cause! And please donate if you can :)
Tickets are also available the day of at the door. Doors open at 1:00 PM.

Home: How It Works


Your health and safety are important to us. We are actively tracking the emerging news and science around the new variant. We will continue to monitor and adjust our plans and health protocols, as necessary. Bands for Brains also continues to monitor guidelines for health safety measures from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Maryland and Baltimore City. Bands for Brains will follow applicable federal, state, and local laws, adapting plans accordingly and sharing updates with you and other audiences. We are also working closely with our venue provider, Union Craft Brewing,  if they adjust their plans, we will communicate that as well.


Masks and Services

  • Masks are no longer required indoors in Baltimore City but continue to be recommended for individuals with underlying health conditions that may make them susceptible to infection.

  • Bands for Brains recommends that attendees wear masks in any indoor spaces.

  • Masks are optional when outside, however they are encouraged. Bands for Brains will have staff available throughout the exhibit floor providing masks to those who may need one.

  • If you are feeling unwell, we encourage you to stay home and rest!

Healthy Venues 

  • Bands for Brains is working our venue to ensure using cleaning protocols and work practices to minimize risks associated with infectious disease. 

Food and Beverage Precautions

  • Catering and concession outlets at the venue will follow health and safety precautions including adequate spacing to promote social distancing.

Healthy Habits

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the registration desk

  • We will issue best practices for attendees that include avoiding shaking hands, etc.

Home: How It Works


Make sure to follow us on social media!

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  • Twitter
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